Dr. Mike Woerdemann

Dr. Mike Woerdemann

Product Manager, Olympus Soft Imaging Solutions, GmbH

Mike Woerdemann earned his PhD in optical tweezer technology based on structured light fields. He worked as an application specialist supporting high-content screening systems for many years, and during that time he gained in-depth, practical knowledge of the field. Mike is now a product manager for high-content screening stations and deep-learning products developed at the EVIDENT Technology Center Europe.


Instance segmentation of nuclei and cells using deep learning

Instance Segmentation of Cells and Nuclei Made Simple Using Deep Learning

By Dr. Mike Woerdemann - 15 March, 2022

Accurate nucleus detection with deep learning technology

Label-Free Quantification You Can Count On: A Deep Learning Experiment

By Dr. Mike Woerdemann - 6 April, 2021

deep learning microscopy

5 Artificial Intelligence Lessons from a Year of Life Science Research

By Dr. Mike Woerdemann - 21 October, 2020